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Brezplačni online testi 📝: preveri svoje znanje

On-line test angleščina B1-B2



Dobrodošli na spletnem testu!

Ste pripravljeni preveriti svoje znanje angleščine na višji ravni?
Test vsebuje 40 vprašanj– pri vsakem preberite stavek in izberite odgovor, ki se vam zdi pravilen.

Ko ste pripravljeni, začnite s kvizom! Želimo vam uspešno reševanje. 😊

Začnite kviz
— What’s he like?
— How was the film yesterday?
— Was the test difficult?
— No, it was a piece of_____.
They __________ the company in 2019.
This house _________ in 1990.
If you are looking for a new job, send a __________.
He stopped _________ last year.
Sally used ___________ a flat with her friend
We'll call you as soon as we _________.
If I won the lottery, I ________ a new car.
He is so indecisive. He can never _________ his mind.
You look tired. What ___________ ?
When I saw her she ___________ to her son.
I think Madonna is the best singer _____ the world.
The plane _______ at 5 o'clock.
Her parents didn’t _____ her go to the party.
— Do you mind if I open the window?
That’s the house _____ I was born.
I _____ go to the dentist yesterday.
— Can you tell me __________?
They don’t get _____ very well.
When she retired she _________ gardening.
I don’t like their offer so I’m going to __________.
I didn't know you _______ a doctor.
She told me she _________ The following week.
I would have bought you flowers if I __________ it was your birthday.
Although she didn’t study at all, she ________ pass the test.
We’re not used to ________ e-mails in English.
He _________in finishing the report.
I can’t remember her name. It’s on the _______ of my tongue.
— I'm coming to Ljubljana. Can you ________?
You won’t pass the final exam _____ you start studying right now.
At the beginning of the film I realised I _________ it before.
She ______ about her cats. It’s so annoying.
— Have you ever worked _____ a personal assistant before?
John keeps ______ the same mistakes all over again
I had to read the sentence twice _____ understand the meaning.
I wish I _____ those words, because I really hurt her feelings.
By the end of the month Susan ______ from the university.
The security guard said that we ______ enter the building.
Bravo, zaključili ste test. Preverite svoj rezultat.